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Club Constitution

1. The club.
(a) The name of the club shall be the Barkingside Football Club (herein after known as ‘The Club’).
(b) The Club shall be affiliated to:
  (i) The Essex Football Association.
  (ii) Other appropriate Associations as decided by the Committee.
(c) The Club shall be bound by the rules of the Associations Listed in (b).
2. The aim of The Club shall be to promote and encourage the game of football.
3. The Club shall be open to all who are interested in promoting and playing football in  accordance with the club’s constitution and rules.
4. A member of The Club shall be deemed to be either:
  (i) A registered player.
  (ii) A parent/guardian of a junior player (aged under 18).
  (iii) The holder of an honorary post as determined by the Committee.
5. The Club Headquarters shall be the Brentwood Arena, or at such a place as shall be decided at a General Meeting.
6. The Club Colours shall be Sky blue
7. Officers: The following Committee Officers shall be elected:
(a) Chairperson
  (i) Elected to see to the constitutional running of The Club and all of its meetings.
  (ii) The Chairperson shall have no vote at any meeting unless a casting vote is required. If a casting vote is required then the Chairperson will have the casting vote.

 (b) Secretary: Elected to oversee the general day-to-day running of The Club including  liaison with the Treasurer.
(c) Treasurer
  (i) Elected to deal with all matters relating to Club finance.
  (ii) To submit a statement of account to the Committee at regular intervals as requested.
(d) Committee Members: At least 5, who will be allocated special responsibilities.
8 The Committee
(a) The Committee shall consist of the Officers listed in 7.
(b) Meetings shall be held once a month.
(c) The quorum for any Committee Meeting shall be four. If a meeting is not quorate then it will be adjourned.
9. Powers of the Committee (Elected and Co-opted Members)
(a) The Committee shall deal with the day-to-day running of The Club and Club policy.
(b) The Committee shall have the right to suspend/expel from The Club any member who infringes The Club constitution or Club rules.
(c) The Committee shall, at its discretion, have the power to co-opt members to assist in the running of The Club.
(d) The Committee shall sanction the appointment of Team Managers and all Team Managers will be co-opted on to the Committee.
  (i) The Committee shall have the power to set up Sub-Committees to deal with specific items.
  (ii) Sub-Committees must be chaired by a Committee Member.
(f) Each Committee Member has only ONE vote (see also 7(a)(ii)).
(g) The Committee shall not have power to alter The Club Constitution.
10. The Annual General Meeting (AGM)
(a) This shall be held once a year, preferably in June.
(b) Any business for the AGM must be submitted IN WRITING to the Secretary not later than 28 days before the day of the meeting.
(c) The Secretary is to notify all current Club Members of the date of the AGM and provide them with an agenda, together with any proposed changes to the Constitution or Rules, at least 14 days before the day of the meeting.
(d) The AGM shall receive reports from the Officers of The Club
  (i) Chairperson
  (ii) Secretary
  (iii) Treasurer
  (iv) Other Officers, as requested by the Committee prior to the AGM.
(e) All Committee Officers shall be elected at the AGM.
(f) The AGM shall have the power to alter the constitution, provided that at least TWO THIRDS of those present vote in favour.
(g) Any Club Member who has not paid his/her subscription/registration fees, or is in default of training fees, may not vote at the AGM.
11. Election of offers
(a) Members may stand for election/re-election at the AGM.
(b) Proposals must be given in writing to the Chairperson, with the names of proposer and secondary, at least 28 days before the day of the AGM.
(c) Election of Committee Officers takes place only at the AGM, unless there are special circumstances, when the Committee may select a Club Member to fill a vacant office until the next AGM.
(d) The Committee may propose candidates for the offices of President and Vice President, in recognition of their services to The Club. These offices will be held for a period of 3 years.
12. Finance
(a) The Club shall have an account at an established financial institution.
(b) No financial decisions will be made without the advice of The Treasurer.
(c) Cheques must be signed by the Treasurer and one other Officer, as notified in accordance with 12(a).
(d) Annual subscriptions shall be decided before the AGM.
(e) Fees received for registration of a player for the forthcoming season will not be refunded.
(f) The accounts presented at the AGM must be audited.
13. Registration: All players must register with the relevant League Association.
14. Dissolution: In the event of dissolution, all Club assets (funds and equipment) shall be transferred to TBA.
15. Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)
(a) Any Club Member may call an EGM by adopting the following procedure:
  (i) A written proposal must be submitted to the Secretary.
  (ii) The proposal must have a secondary.
  (iii) A petition carrying the signatures of a least 10% of the voting membership must be submitted with the written proposal.
(b) The Committee may call an EGM, but is not bound by 15(a). o (c) The Secretary must comply with 10(c).
16. Disciplinary: In the event that any member feels that he or she has suffered discrimination in  any way or that the Club Policies, Rules or Code of Conduct have been broken, should  follow the procedures below:
(a) They should report the matter to the Club Secretary or another member of the    Committee.
(b) The Club’s Management Committee will have the power to:
  (i) Warn as to future conduct
  (ii) Suspend from membership
  (iii) Remove from membership any person found to have broken the Club’s Policies or
  (i) Warn as to future conduct
  (ii) Suspend from membership
  (iii) Remove from membership any person found to have broken the Club’s Policies or      Codes of Conduct
17. Equality: The Club is opposed to discrimination of any form and will promote measures to  prevent it, in whatever form, from being expressed

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