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The FA Respect Code of Conduct
Young Players
We have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. As a player, you
have a big part to play. That’s why the FA is asking every player to follow our Respect Code of
When playing football, I will:
1) Always play to the best of my ability.
2) Play fairly - I won’t cheat, complain or waste time.
3) Respect my team-mates, the other team, the referee or my coach/manager at all times.
4) Play by the rules as directed by the referee.
5) Shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of the game.
6) Listen and respond to what my coach/team manager tells me.
7) Talk to someone I trust or the club welfare officer if I am unhappy about anything at the Club.
I understand that if I do not follow the code any/all of the following actions may be taken by the
Club, the County FA or the FA
I may:
1) Be required to apologise to my team-mates, the other team, referee or team manager.
2) Receive a formal warning from the coach or the Club committee.
3) Be dropped or substituted.
4) Be suspended from training.
5) Be required to leave the Club.
In addition:
1) My club, County FA or the FA may make my parent/carer aware of any infringements of the Code of Conduct.
2) The FA/County FA could impose a fine and suspension against my club.
Barkingside F.C. Respect Code of Conduct
In addition to The FA Code of Conduct:
1) Treat all others as you wish to be treated.
2) Show due respect to all club members and players.
3) Show due respect to all visitors and match officials.
4) Players’ best conduct must represent the Club.
5) Criminal behaviour will not be tolerated.
6) Offensive language will not be tolerated.
7) Racist behaviour will not be tolerated.
8) Always display good sportsmanship, win or lose.
9) No bullying or aggressive behaviour will be tolerated.
10) No online bullying or abusive conduct through social websites or platforms.
11) Do not bring the Club into disrepute, including online or through social networks.
12) All players must attend training and must arrive on time.
13) All players must arrive in accordance with the Club dress code (where applicable).
14) All players are responsible for their own kit which is supplied to them.
15) Any player who is unable to attend any training or match must personally inform their manager or coach at the first opportunity.
Failure to comply with the above will result in sanctions and fines being imposed
(where applicable), which must be paid in accordance with the fines and remedial action agreement.
BYFC Dress Code
As part of the standards of Barkingside F.C., all players are
required to undertake the following:
1) Any medicines that he or she may require at all times.
2) Water in a suitable bottle.
3) Suitable boots for the surface being used.
4) Shin pads.
Training sessions and Match Days:
1) Training kit (where applicable and as directed by the Team Manager).
2) Match kit as prescribed by the Team Manager.
Barkingside F.C. Club Rules
Match and Training Ground Rules
These rules are in place to ensure the respect and safety of all and the enjoyment of football, as that is what we are all here for.
1) The right of play, admission and refusal is strictly reserved by the Club.
2) All players, visitors, supporters and parents/guardians are requested to comply with instructions or requests from club officials.
3) The Club operates a strict anti-racism policy.
4) Any abusive language or behaviour will not be tolerated.
5) No parent/guardian or supporter is allowed inside the pitch barrier at any time.
6) Only managers, coaches or relevant team players are allowed in the dugout.
7) All goalkeepers must warm-up outside the 18-yard box.
8) No dogs will be allowed in the ground unless on a lead and must be kept off the pitch at all times.
Anyone who does not abide by these rules may be required to leave the ground.
BYFC Consent Form
● I consent to my child joining Barkingside Football Club.
● I understand that Club activities extend to the support provided by parents.
● I acknowledge that transport to and from games is a parental, and not Club responsibility.
● I authorise the leader of the party (be that the Team Manager, Coach or appointed Club official), to consent on my behalf to such emergency medical treatment which, according to the advice of a qualified medical practitioner, should be carried out while my child is involved in club activities, and NOT under direct parental control.
● I consent to the taking and publication of photographs or films of my child during coaching, training, matches or social club activities. Issues around this must be discussed with the Club upon registration.
● I understand that the coaching or training of my child may involve a sports psychologist.
● I agree to my child, if over the age of 16, being involved in open age football matches.
Player and Parent/Guardian Agreement
BOTH Player and Parent/Guardian have read, understood
and agree to the following:
1) I have completed the online Club Registration Form.
2) I have read, understood and agreed to the Ground Rules.
3) I have read, understood and agreed to the Code of Conduct.
4) I have read, understood and agreed to the BYFC Dress Code.
5) I have read, understood and agreed to the terms set out on the Consent Form.
The Parent/Guardian agrees to the following:
1) To encourage the Player to meet codes and rules as agreed above.
2) To support the Player without pressure and to refrain from criticising lapses.
3) To keep the Club informed of any changes in circumstance.
4) To pay all admission fees and subscriptions on time.
5) To pay any Match, Official or Club fines on time.
6) To be supportive of Barkingside F.C. Management and Staff.
7) To constructively bring any concerns to the attention of the Team Manager or another member of Staff.
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